christine laverne et Georges bronner

A la recherche des océans disparus dans les montagnes françaises

Vanished Oceans in the Mountains of France How is that rocks from the oceanic crust are found in French mountains ? How is their long story deciphered, from birth in the ocean basins, through burial at great depths, and then uplift into the mountains? When buried to great depths and heated at different temperatures, rocks … Lire la suite…

A la conquête des grands fonds

What does the deep ocean look like? What is the sea floor made of and what structures exist there? What special tools had to be invented to study this huge area that has long been inaccessible to geologists and geographers? The submarine “terra incognita” covers two-thirds of the earth’s surface and has always stimulated the … Lire la suite…

Forages sous le pacifique

Through this book written in the spirit of a travellogue, the author wishes to share her passion for deep-sea drilling cruises, all the nationalities represented on board, all the jobs, all the cored samples which land on the deck of the boat, the hours spent describing these rocks, the wonderful teamwork, smiles and daily “hi’s”, … Lire la suite…

Drill me a painting

A scientist’s impressions aboard an ocean-drilling research vessel

Les volcans. Comment ça marche ?

Depuis plus de deux siècles, les volcans sont l’objet d’études scientifiques détaillées dont les résultats sont aujourd’hui portés à la connaissance de tout le monde, grâce au cinéma et à la télévision. Malgré cela, l’activité volcanique paraît encore bien mystérieuse, et suscite bien des idées fausses. Pourtant, les mécanismes naturels qui sont à l’origine des … Lire la suite…