Approach by sea, Porquerolles, Port Cros, hidden in the blue green vegetation.
Flowing sea and vibrating stones.
Approach…step onto their soil, relinquish the horizon and experience the volume; the eyes roam the rock strata that lets its deeper rhythms through to the surface. Tamped down but lively, waves of stone.
Come, stay for a spell on the rock’s steady ondulations, let yourself be carried along by the earth’s language. It entices us to understand its memory and offers itself like an artistic object of tactile pleasures.
These pages are a wandering search amongst the stones washed by the sea, with their visible structures, geology on the outer surface, a feathery touch. But they also invite you to the geologist’s longer voyage, outside of human time scales, in the discovery, interpretation, and necessary rewriting of a pinch of earth.
Finally they let you enter into the wheel of time, in the continual remelting of minerals, stone wheel never immobile, perpetually seeking balance.
Lesson of things.
Extract : page 38 et 39
Author : Georges BRONNER
Paperback: 84 pages
Size : 21 x 21 cm
Publisher : Parc National de Port-Cros
Edition : 1re (1986)
Language : French
ISBN: 2 86 630 074 7